
architecture, art, advisory

ARPEMA is specializing not only in architectural design, design of monuments, historical sites and buildings including object protected by UNESCO and national cultural monuments, but also in contemporary modern architecture with a flair for the compliance between old and new.

ARPEMA offers complete architectional and design work including engineering activities.

ARPEMA pomůže při krizových situacích v průběhu přípravy a realizace staveb formou poradenské činnosti v oboru architektura, stavitelství a památková péče.

ARPEMA represents the erudite expertise of European art from the middle ages to the present, collectibles with a flair for valuable works of the old masters and also for contemporary authors and sophisticated advice with choosing the appropriate work of art for interior and exterior, including the necessary art-historical expertise of renowned experts.

ARPEMA will help in crisis situations during preparation and realization of construction in the form of consultancy in the field of architecture, engineering and preservation of monuments.

ARPEMA will ensure the restoration of damaged art artifacts at the highest professional standars, selection and delivery of work of art including its final presentation in the client´s place.